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Life Behind Bars is a company that makes some of the world’s best technical carry goods and apparel for those who love bikes, active lifestyle, photography, adventure and everything in-between. Our products excels both outdoors and indoors, be it urban environment, or otherwise, we emphasize on good design, versatility, durability, as well as weather protection, we strive to always innovate and be on the verge when it comes to implementing the latest technology in bags and technical apparel, additionally, we love bikes, and are huge advocates of getting people on the saddle.


Here at LBB, we embrace the unconventional, the unique, and those who constantly question the status quo.

Nestled in the tranquil yet vibrant setting of BSD City, our office doubles as a workshop and storefront, fostering a dynamic and playful atmosphere that ignites creativity. Curiosity is our compass, and learning is a continuous journey. We dive deep into relevant subjects, take calculated risks, and collaborate to turn insights into tangible realities that benefit our users worldwide, making everyone carry and perform better.

In our space, mutual respect is not just a value; it’s how we roll. Discrimination finds no place here. Instead, we celebrate the spectrum of diverse backgrounds that enrich our collective ideas. Our inclusive culture facilitates a collaborative spirit, which in turn culminates into innovative products that set new benchmarks in the industry. Join us in our pursuit of crafting the finest carry products and technical apparel. We are not looking for a lot of people, but we are looking for the right ones.


Current Available Positions:

If none of the above positions suit you (or you're looking for internship instead), you can apply using the form below. Choose the department that aligns most closely with your desired position. As soon as a matching position opens up, you’ll be among the first to be contacted.

We’re not motivated to make what’s already available on the market, therefore Innovation is at the root of what we do here in LBB. Solving real world challenges with practical functionality, is what gives us jolt in the morning.

Many brands say “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it”. We say “Just because it’s not broken, doesn’t mean it can’t be improved”. This mentality extends beyond product design and through every facet of how we run the company.

“A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.” At LBB, we nurture and support our junior team members, ensuring there are no “weak links” in our team. Together, we make this quote irrelevant.

Sense of ownership cannot flourish in an opaque system, we strive for the opposite.

"We not only tolerate mistakes; we encourage them to be made and learned from quickly. We believe that giving our team autonomy fosters an environment where creativity and innovation flourish. By minimizing bureaucracy, we aim to accelerate progress and empower our team to take bold initiatives."

We are an equal opportunity employer and welcome applicants from all backgrounds. We celebrate diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, marital status or national origin. We encourage qualified candidates from diverse backgrounds to apply for this position and join our team.

Common traits that all candidates should possess:

  • High attention to detail
  • Good understanding of general english
  • Willpower to resist the urge of modern day distractions (you know what these are)
  • Positive mental attitude
  • An interest in the carry and apparel industry as well as the culture around it (not a necessity, but sure is a plus)
  • Healthy sense of humor, and
  • An interesting worldview

All position above is for our BSD (South Tangerang) office, and full-time, unless otherwise stated. That being said, we are also open for part time and or remote position, which can be negotiated during interview.